There are lots of things you can’t control on your professional ride; an uncertain environment, unseen obstacles, unexpected twists and turns just up ahead. You CAN, however; decide HOW you ride, WHO you ride with, WHERE you want to go and HOW best to get there.
Foster+Fathom assists organizations and individuals develop the skills, knowledge and experience needed to get where YOU want to go. Our Full-Throttle Leadership Keynote Presentations, Team Training Programs and Business Consulting Services connects everyone involved to a powerful team identity that creates “Pride in Your Ride.”
When everyone “Gets IT” – the Road, the Rules, the Route – opinions change, action is inspired and outcomes are transformed.
Here’s how we can help!
The image of a tattooed biker on a Harley-Davidson rolling down the highway while rocking out some Heavy Metal Thunder probably isn’t the first thing that comes to your mind when considering a professional development model. So what does a Biker know about business and engagement?
Keynote Presentations
In the Summer of 2013, Foster+Fathom Managing Partner and Harley-Davidson LIFE Member Steven Foster completed a 32-Day, 34-State, 13,000-Mile solo motorcycle ride along the perimeter of the United States to raise awareness and support for Veterans and Military Families. His “One Man, One Motorcycle, One Mission” Full-Throttle Leadership Ride” presentation is a call to arms to fuel our lives with Passion, Power & Purpose and inspire others, personally and professionally.
“It never ceases to amaze me what humans will do to do good, and you are a shining example of that in everything you do. We should all be just a bit more “Steven-y” and the world would be a better place. Thanks again for giving us the gift of your time and guidance.” – Jeff Rasco, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, attendee management
Bikers refer to cars as “cages.” The people strapped inside are boxed in; restricted and numbed. That’s exactly how most organizations operate; a complete time killing, soul sucking adherence to disconnected roles and responsibilities. Our “One Tribe, One Ride” Facilitation Programs are designed to fully engage and empower your team – regardless of their place in the pod – to transform themselves into Full-Throttle Leaders.
“First and foremost, thank you does not even begin to cover it. You were the absolute hit of the day and totally on point with the message. You are a ROCK STAR!” – Sheri Pizitz, MetroTex Association of REALTORS, Leadership Academy Committee Director
“I just wanted to say thank you, for being there to point the way for us these last 3 years and most of all for your friendship. I appreciate so much that you never gave us the answers to the challenges we faced but you helped us to find our own answers and instead of taking us our your ride you showed us how to create our own successes.” – Spencer Bezy, MPI San Diego Chapter
A group can exist and not achieve very much. A real “TEAM” has both defined purpose and expectation. To be successful you must raise the Full-Throttle profile and performance of everyone involved so that they travel tight and fast TOGETHER; arriving at a destination where they stand back, take in the view and express a collective “WOW – WE DID IT!
”Thank you ever so much for… just everything Steven. I’m so grateful our group got to experience your method. I feel awesome coming out of the retreat, and I believe the board does as well!” – Molly Hudson, CMP, CMM, General Manager, the Joseph B. Martin Conference Center at Harvard Medical School
“The way you immerse with a team, become “one” with them, is absorbing to witness. The impact has surely carried over into the current board as I witness the seeds of your thoughts and ideas spring forth in their conversations and deeds on a continual basis. Sending my personal best to you, and frankly, sending some of that “best” to myself in hoping I have the good fortune to work alongside you some time in the future.” – Julee Cooke, Paragon Events
1 Man, 1 Motorcycle, 1 Mission

Real Leaders “GET IT!”
- Small Business Success
M&C Research Poll
- Best Business Skills Speaker
- Top 10 Inspirational Speakers
Best of Texas Awards
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- Marion N. Kershner Memorial Chapter Leader Award
Dallas/Fort Worth Chapter
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Dallas/Fort Worth Chapter
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Texas Star Awards
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