Culture: You can’t “live it” if you can’t “define it!”
Any discussion of “culture” begins with a clear definition. I like this one. “Culture is a way of coping with the world by defining it in detail.” - Malcolm Bradbury. On a basic level, “culture” is the cumulative deposit of knowledge, experience, values, attitudes, [...]
Getting Stuck in a Toxic Culture
Let’s talk about “culture.” All organizations: companies, associations, non-profits, even the neighborhood lemonade stand, have one. Culture, which I define as an operating environment, core values and process initiatives, guide and fuel what is either an organization’s greatest strength or most dangerous weakness. The issue [...]
3 Things I Learned in the Dark and THE Best Advice I Ever Received
Each year in November my thoughts turn to Veterans Day. It's an opportunity to express remembrance and gratitude to those veteran leaders and mentors who thought me worthy by investing some of their precious time, talent, and treasure in my life, personally and professionally. [...]
Change is inevitable, except from vending machines
Yes, change is with us. It is life's only constant, and it's often challenging and mostly difficult to embrace. But there’s another, more irritating and immovable obstacle standing in the way of successful organizational development; the Change Saboteur. This person often is a "senior" [...]
Leadership Lessons from the “Greatest Generation”
It’s been said there are “three ways to develop great leadership, but no one knows what they are.” WWII veterans Bert Stolier and Tom Blakey were the exceptions to the rule. I met them both on a bright Sunday morning at the National WWII [...]
One of the best things about riding motorcycles is the time you get "inside your head." I often use those moments reflecting on where I've been on my "professional ride," and remembering all the leaders and mentors who thought me worthy of investing time, talent, [...]
WHEN YOU'RE RIDING LEAD, DON'T SPIT! One of my favorite movies is “Remember the Titans”. It’s based on the true story of Herman Boone, an African American high school football coach in his first season at T. C. Williams High School in Alexandria, VA. [...]
2017 was a WONDERFUL YEAR of Full-Throttle Goodness!
In the 1946 Christmas Classic, "It's a Wonderful Life," George Bailey is a man who has given up his dreams in order to help others. When an unexpected calamity occurs, a despondent and angry George decides everyone he knows would be better off without him. [...]
Fueling Your Ride with “Passion-Power & Purpose” to Give-Back and Change the World
I have been riding motorcycles for about 45 years; it is what I do for pure enjoyment. There are few things better than getting out on the open road, seeing new places and meeting interesting people. In 2013, I had the opportunity to check off [...]
Leadership: Get REAL!
Seems like I've been asked to discuss "TEAM" a lot this year; how to build a great team, determine why some teams fail so completely and provide some helpful insights into behaviors (good and bad) that are present in all teams. At a recent All-Team [...]